Polymer Research Group





Nuevas Tendencias en Teoría Cuántica de Campos (January, 2020).

Conference on modern QFT topics, held at the Colegio Nacional (Mexico City), on January 24th, 2020. Guests: Lance Dixon (SLAC), Z. Bern (UCLA), as well as national speakers.





Liderazgo en la educación a través de la ciencia (March, 2019)

This event on education was held at BUAP, in collaboration with the participants of the Profides BUAP project, which allowed us to approach the subject of education and science, making contacts with a world-class leader, such as Dr. Helen Quinn, and meeting other BUAP researchers interested in influencing this important problem in our country. This activity motivated our group to get involved in this important area of ​​opportunity to find connections between science and society. For example, thanks to this activity, we were invited to participate in some conferences in various parts of the country to present our reflections on science education.



“Probing Higgs couplings future colliders”, Invited talk, Mexican Workshop of Particles and Fields, León, Guanajuato. (Mexico), November 16th, 2019.

“Probing the Higgs-Yukawa couplings”, Seminar, IFUNAM, Mexico City, October 2nd, 2019.

“Probing all Higgs couplings present and future colliders”, Seminar, FCFMBUAP, Puebla (México), August 29th, 2019.

“Higgs couplings in the SM and beyond”, lecture at Niels Bohr institute”, Copenhague (Denmark), June 2019.


Science disclosure talks

Invited talk ¨Tópicos en Altas Energías para la educación en México”, part of the meeting “Del universo al aula”, November 24th, 2019, at BUAP.

Invited plenary conference “Para empezar: Conceptos sí, ecuaciones no”, part of the meeting “American Physics Teachers Association - Section México”, 14-16 November, Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico.

Invited talk “Un juego llamado Física: de los quarks al cosmos” - Salón de Rectores, Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas., October 16th, 2019.

“Joyas perturbativas en QFT”. Seminar, August 15th, 2019, at Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas